Monday, February 1, 2016

Sweet (Potato) Success

Johanna has started eating solids and her doctor recommended starting with sweet potatoes first. Although she wasn't quite sure what to think of them at first, she has quickly grown fond of them.

While I was pregnant, I had decided that I wanted to try to make our baby food from scratch. Last week, I finally took the plunge and made our little JoJo some sweet potatoes (thanks to my phone tutorial with Jana as well as her post at Granted Grace)!

I was most excited to find that the process was very simple and not nearly as time-intensive as I thought it might be:
1) wash and scrub the sweet potatoes
2) place on the stove in a nice big pot of water (the best part: no need to remove the skin!); boil, then simmer until fork tender
3) allow to cool (do not discard the water the veggies were boiled in)
4) slide skin off and place the veggies in a bowl with tall sides
5) put your immersion blender to work and add boiled water as needed to achieve desired consistency
6) place in ice cube trays & freeze for 24 hours
7) remove from trays and place in Ziploc bags labeled with the date and contents

To dethaw: place cubes in the microwave and defrost for 2 minutes (may need to repeat this once or twice, depending on how many cubes you have)

Five pounds of sweet potatoes and seven ice cube trays later, we are now stocked up!

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